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8 Weeks of Embodying Our Authentic Magnetism

 Implementing community accountability with 5 daily practices to bring us back into our power

I am offering this course for me...
I am calling those of you who resonate with this message and are also looking for a shared support system as you as you focus intimately on yourself worth 

If you are feeling so alone and disconnected from your power

Un grounded and not tending to your thoughts, your energy and your temple in the way that you could

Not feeling as beautiful and confident as you used to 

Is your energy scattered from always focusing on others 

Are you burnt out on goal setting and manifesting 

Not able to make clear decisive discussions lately and you know it’s because in some ways you have lost site of you’re self  - Your true infinite self 

Maybe you have allowed others perceptions and judgments of you, to impact your self esteem 

Maybe your busy schedule has left you feeling un grounded and agrivated your vata

You feel like you are starving for love and appreciation 

You know that you can come back to your truth and reclaim your magnetism 

But you are tired of always doing things alone and you are ready to have support and accountability on this journey

I have been feeling the same way
The good news is that I created this space for us to rise up out of the ashes like a phoenix and claim our power and our confidence, from the inside!

This is about calling in wealth, holding to your boundaries and feeling more appricated

 This is an 8 week journey where we will follow a flexible 5 step process starting Sept 8th

However when you enroll now, you will receive 3 additional weeks of group coaching

Own Your Value Bonuses
Recieve instant access to 4 training videos and 4 audios from The Own Your Value - Increase Your Income Course
We will have a book clucb with two books that will help you build healthy new habits and increase your magnetism

Building Your Commitment Sept 1 - 8
This week before we launch in to the two months of daily accountability together we will construct our unique commitment to ourselves and share it with the group  

Sept 8 - Nov 8th Daily Accountability
We will have a daily check list with the commitments that we have chosen and every week we will share them with the group
We will have training videos for each practice that we are committing and weekly zoom connections

 This Own Your Value community experience feels



Leaving this interactive virtual experience FEELING DECISIVE AND CLEAR

Knowing how to feel SAFE AND SUPPORTED inside of our bodies 

It’s time for a new way of relating to ourselves 


Join for only two payments of $88 right now

I am longing for more connection with you

I am offering this course as a community journey with a simple, flexible accountability system that allows you to stay true to yourself no matter what life throws at you

Imagine feeling unstoppable knowing that you can trust yourself

Feeling grounded and secure within yourself, regarless of what life throws at you

Feeling worthy of receiving every single day because you know your innate value

Uncovering the magnetic confident woman that you truly are on the inside

In this powerful 8 week course you will get access to:

A private FB group where we will build an enriching sense of community

An 8 part pre-recorded Own Your Value course with 4 prerecorded videos and 4 mindset and visualization audios that you can start consuming right now!

Over 20 live YouTube trainings outlining, spirtual, self love, confidence and worthiness habits

8 weekly zoom trainings to connect and share with the Own Your Value community 

A flexible daily accountability system that will allow us to easily commit to the 5 steps

8 weeks of building self confidence, value and worthiness from the inside out

When you join now you receive almost 2 additional weeks of group coaching

Also when you join now, get instant access to a private group, 4 pre recorded video workshops and 4 mindset and visualizatuon audios form the last Own Your Value course I ran! 

This is what clients were saying about this last version of Own Your Value

"When I started in this journey I was not feeling confident marketing and selling, to now really owning it ... and you know trusting myself and that is a direct result of working with you, and shifting and getting in alignment!  Thank you!"  ~ Marti 

"I have experienced such growth and epiphanies just moving forward ... having invested in this coaching this year and working with you, I have the tools I need and I can go out and make money whenever I want ... Investing in your work has been really powerful and I am truly grateful!"  ~ Rebecca

"I am finally fully in alignment with my remote-based business, and the clarity feels like a breath of fresh air from which I can finally move forward."  ~ Mary

Yes I am ready to enroll now and reacive instant access to this 8 part pre recorded course and three weeks of additional group coaching

Plus starting Sept 8th - two months of daily accountability as I commit to the 5 step process that will bring me back into my power, my confidence and my sense of value!

This course is for you if you are ready to heal the wound that keeps you in lack and separte from love

Build habits and commit to simple practices that allow deep emotinal healing, so that you can feel truly magnetic

This course is a community experience, so you don't need to do this deep inner work alone

Becoming valuable in your business and relationships is an inside job

Only two payments of $88 for this powerful vortex

The price is going up soon

Here are the topics that we will be covering in the 20+ Live YouTube Trainings

• Healing the nervious system with Yoga Nidra 
• Practices to stregthen your intuition and connect you with your Inner Guidance system
• Coming back in to your center through breathwork and visualization
•  The power of the healing of the energy centers mediation
•   Learning to name and fully dive into your emotions for deep healing
•  The expansion possible inside of gratitude and prayer
• Reprogram your subconscious mind with affirmations
• Intentional self pleasure and sex magic practice 
•  How to get over self doubt, self sabotage and procrastination fast
• Eliminating stress and self judgment through breath work 
 Treating your body like a temple, simple practices for massive transformation
 •  Choosing new beliefs, thoughts and minsets as a practice
•  How to write your way into more confidence and a stronger sense of self worth
•  Swamping and fulling feeling your emotions for expansion
•  Tending to your energy through energetic cord cutting

Become a channel for life force energy and abundance!

Embody your magnetism!

Join me for this life changing course that will activate your inner sense of self worth

Learn how to claim your power and stop feeling like a victim in your life

Shift your perspective and start receiving massive abundance, now without changing a thing

Make choices from a place of confidence and certainty so that you can make more money

Learn how to start trusting yourself completely and become magnetic in your relationships
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Only Two Payments of $88 for a limited time
This is what you will receive:

> A private FB group community

> An 8 part pre-recorded Own Your Value course you can start right now!

> Over 20 live YouTube trainings 

> 8 weekly zoom trainings to connect 

> A flexible daily accountability system 

> Over 8 weeks of building self confidence
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Kate in Paradise
Call 206 321 6323
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